25 things I like about myself

I have never had much self-confidence and even when writing this list I had to enlist some of my friends to help me because I am terrible at this sort of thing and as I told them- I back other people not myself! I decided to do this list because I thought it would be a lovely tag/challenge to get other bloggers involved in and sometimes when ur not feeling ur best its nice to have a list of things to go back to whether its personality or looks that you go actually yeah I’m not a terrible person! So without further ado here is my list:

  1. My hair can look really nice at times 🙂
  2. I’m actually really lucky with my skin where it is usually pretty good 🙂
  3. Barghavi will never forgive me if I don’t mention my marshmallows (if you know you know :P)
  4. I’d like to think that I have a good sense of humour
  5. I’m loyal babes (Throwback to Love Island 2018 :P)
  6. When I do my make-up properly it is on point!
  7. I like my eyes
  8. If I can I will always try and help my friends in whatever way I can
  9. I always try to be as upbeat and happy as possible no matter my mood and try to lift others up in the room
  10. I would like to think that I’m non-judgemental and accepting of everyone
  11. I make amazing chocolate brownies
  12. That when I like something I become obsessed! I will binge watch a TV show in a matter of weeks if I get hooked
  13. I’m quite modest (as you can tell from this list :p)
  14. I can carry a tune and will burst out singing pretty much anywhere
  15. I know the entire Hamilton soundtrack and can rap guns and ships
  16. I’m always happy to go with the flow and will try anything once
  17.  My memory for song lyrics and tv shows/movies is epic
  18.  My creativity and the fact that I have been writing this blog for 4 years 🙂
  19.  I’m incapable of holding a grudge
  20.  Apparently my laugh is infectious
  21.  The care I have for animals and people alike
  22.  I am one of the most sarcastic people you will ever meet as I have a very sarcastic sense of humour but I kind of love it
  23.  I have a couple of moles on my face which become really prominent in the sun and I actually kind of love them
  24.  How much I read- I am constantly reading and especially in high school you would always find me with my nose in a book!
  25.  My height- I’m only 5″2 but I kinda love it! Great things come in small packages as they say and I’m not short I’m just concentrated awesome.

Let me know in the comments something that you love about yourself and I would absolutely love to see if any of you guys do this tag/challenge ❤


13 thoughts on “25 things I like about myself

  1. Yay, I love these kinds of posts! I’ve been trying to draft my own shorter list but am stuck at eight things, ahaha! However, I do like my hair too. It’s so thick and my (relatively) new split dye definitely turns heads!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Girl, I am loving all of the positivity in this post. Thank you so much for sharing, you sound like a really incredible person. This is a really incredible message that I hope others take the opportunity to do for themselves. I think I might try and make my own list now.

    Liked by 1 person

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