Goodreads Challenge 2024: Part 3

My 2024 Goodreads challenge is to read 25 books so just over 2 books a month. I lowered my reading goal for this year because although I did complete my reading goal last year my college and work are getting busier this year so I don’t want to pressure myself to read loads of books as well. For the last few years I’ve written posts about the books that I’ve read with a rating and a bit of a review/summary which I’ve always really loved to do and I’m going to continue to do that in 2024 😊 So far I have exceeded my reading goal and I’ve currently read 20 books so far in the first half of the year.

  1. The Reappearance of Rachel Price by Holly Jackson- 4.5/5: I am a big fan of Holly Jacksons writing as The Good Girls Guide to Murder was one of my favorite books of recent years πŸ™‚ I could not put this book down and it really did keep me guessing until the very end. The only reason this book didn’t end up being a 5 star is that it did feel slightly too long and I was pushing through to the end.
  2. Yellowface by R. F. Kuang- 3/5: I have seen this book advertised everywhere and always see it whenever I go to the bookstore so finally borrowed my Mums kindle to read it and I did really enjoy it πŸ™‚ It was fast paced and you were constantly on the edge of your seat waiting for the main character to be caught out. I struggled with this book because I always struggle when I’m not a fan of the main character.
  3. Funny Story by Emily Henry- 5/5: I absolutely love Emily Henrys writing and so when it was announced that she was bringing out a new book I was so excited! I think this is my third favourite Emily Henry book after Book Lovers and Happy Place. I love the way that Emily Henry writes romance as they are always so sweet and cute. Miles is one of my favorite book boyfriends as he has such golden retriever energy! I also loved the friendship between Daphne and Ashleigh and showing them both growing as people within their friendship.
  4. On your way to the wedding by Julia Quinn- 4/5: This is the last of the Bridgeton books of the siblings ending with Gregorys love story with Lucy Abernathy. Lucy and Gregory are so cute together and I love that a lot of the other Bridgeton siblings are either in or mentioned in this book πŸ™‚ I’m pleased but sad that I have finished the series now πŸ™‚
  5. The Bridgetons Happily Ever After by Julia Quinn- 4/5: This is a culmination of epilogues from each of the Bridgeton books showing what each of the couples are up to πŸ™‚ It is so cute and then there is a short story about Violet Bridgeton explaining how her and her husband got together and then her meeting someone else at a dance.

Let me know in the comments what books you have been reading lately.


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